Web Site Hosting DBMS Services

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Our Services


Attunity Connect
DBMS Manman
Operational Data Stores
ASP & .NET Development
Business Web Sites
Report Writing




Attunity Connect Consulting / Training

Attunity is a trusted provider of technology solutions for integrating disparate data sources, legacy and mainframe applications enabling real-time access to the enterprise.

 Lincoln Whitman Group can provide consulting services to help with the installation, configuration, and implementation of Attunity Connect across the enterprise. Lincoln Whitman Group can also provide the training that your staff might need to get the most out of Attunity Connect. Our staff specializes in Attunity Connect running on OpenVMS with DBMS as the primary Data Source.


MS ACCESS conversion to ASP.NET & MS SQL Server

Most MS Access application development efforts that were successful have now grown to the point where the number of users, size of the database, and or the limited accessibility have necessitated that they be converted into a more robust application platform. Lincoln Whitman Group has now worked on a lot of conversion projects that are migrating ASP code to .Net. Lincoln Whitman Group can design and build a web based application to your specifications, or convert/upgrade an older application from MS Access or VB 6 to either ASP or .NET.

ASP & .NET Web Application Development

Most new application development efforts are being undertaken using  Microsoft's .NET environment. There is now a lot of conversion projects that are migrating ASP code to .Net. Lincoln Whitman Group can design and build a web based application to your specifications, or convert/upgrade an older application from MS Access or VB 6 to either ASP or .NET.

DBMS Manman Data Extraction

Oracle Codasyl DBMS is a non-relational Legacy Database which requires a third party tool to access its data. Lincoln Whitman Group recommends the use of Attunity Connect to satisfy your data access needs. Our experience with both OMAR and MFG subschema's allow us to write efficient SQL queries against DBMS Manman.


Operational Data Stores

An Operational Data Store (ODS) allows you to view disparate data from various systems as one entity. Lincoln Whitman Group through the use of Attunity Connect data access middle ware can design and implement an ODS that encompasses your critical data. Extend the functionality of Legacy systems through the ODS to allow for new business rules to be implemented with out affecting the Legacy systems.


Business Web Sites

There is no reason a business of any size should not have some sort of web presence. The cost to develop and host a business site is very cost effective compared to other forms of advertising. We are ready to design and build a business web site that could range from a static Web Presence, to a fully dynamic database driven eCommerce Web Site. Allow Lincoln Whitman Group the opportunity to consult with you and decide what type of business site would be best suited to your business needs.

Report Writing

Lincoln Whitman Group has extensive experience using Crystal Reports & Microsoft Excel to retrieve and present data. A natural extension of the work to extract data from DBMS Manman and create an Operational Data Store is to create the reports that management needs to run and make decisions about the business. We have completed many projects involving Sales reports from OMAR including Bookings reports, Backlog reports, and Invoices.

Special Offer

Spring of 2007

Small Business Web Site

Design, Development, & Hosting Special.

Contact Sales Department for details.



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